AWS Certification – Solutions Architect Training Insights

Amazon Web Services offers certification testing for IT professionals interested in advancing their careers in the Amazon realm. In September 2015, I completed the certification exam for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate. It is by far one of

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How to Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Part 1)

If you would like to become a System Administrator, you want to become familiar with any Operation Systems that manage your organization. The Windows Server 2012 R2 is one of the most common servers (provided by Microsoft) one should know. When you

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Syncing Options For SharePoint User Profiles

It seems no matter the number of SharePoint farms I’ve installed and configured, I never seem to breeze through the setup of User Profile Service like I hope. I am the type of person who believes in going for the

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Form and Field Validation Best Practices

Have you ever gotten that feeling where you go to a website and can easily fill out all the information needed without any issues? A website where you actually enjoy how organized, smooth, and clean everything looks and feels? A

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Effective Monitoring of Burndown and Velocity

This blog is a continuation of the blog that I wrote about the importance of difficulty based estimations in the sprint process. In that blog, we covered how I feel it is important to distance the team from thinking in

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How to Write Custom AngularJS Directives

Much of Angular’s built-in functionality is provided by modular slices of code called directives. You can write custom directives to perform form validation, to minimize code repetition, to attach events to elements, to inject markup into templates, and more. Directives

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Responsive Design: Front-End Tools and SharePoint Basics

One of the easiest ways to deter users from your website is to provide them with a frustrating experience. Be that with broken features, outdated information, or more times than not, an unfriendly user interface. Even the most feature-rich websites

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Easy Dynamics Login