
Best Practices for AWS EC2

There are several things to consider before clicking that “Launch” button in the AWS (Amazon Web Services) console. The more you plan and take into consideration ahead of time, the more you can save yourself a few headaches down the

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Using Event Receivers for SharePoint Workflows

One of the more interesting challenges contractors for public sector clients have is working with older versions of software. On a recent project involving an integration of a solution I’d written using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and SharePoint 2010, I

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File Placement in Custom SharePoint Site

So you want to customize your SharePoint site with custom CSS and JavaScript, like Bootstrap or Angular, but you don’t know where to put the files? You’re in the right place for the answers you seek. There are three places you

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How To Find the Proper Sprint Duration

As a team transitions to using Scrum and Agile, finding the proper sprint duration is likely something they will not give enough thought to. The team will likely just pick an arbitrary duration and set about to make that work.

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Installing the Domain Controller (Part 2)

Microsoft improved many features in Windows Server 2012 R2 compared to Windows 2008. Once you install Windows Server 2012, you will notice these new changes just by looking at the new management interface which provides administrators the ability to centralize

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Section 508 Standards and Testing

Have you been given the task of running a 508 audit against a site? Or perhaps you’re building a site that needs to be 508 compliant and want to know what that even means? Then this guide is for you! It

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Built-In and Custom AngularJS Filters

Now that you know how to write custom AngularJS directives and how AngularJS helps validate forms, let’s move on to the next great feature. AngularJS filters make it easy to display a subset of items from a collection. They are used

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Easy Dynamics Login