Data Duplication and Resource Management

Turbo Boost Your SharePoint Adoption  


As more and more companies move their intellectual knowledge towards SharePoint we are see a growing SharePoint adoption problem. SharePoint gets set up, files get moved over, communications and user accounts are sent out, and yet people continue to use SharePoint like a network drive. Part of the problem is email. Users like email; the interface is familiar and people are used to organizing and searching for their information in email. When SharePoint is implemented many people will download documents from SharePoint into the email attachments and then communicate around those documents through email. The document is now out of SharePoint and all versioning and security is lost.

One way to prevent this is to put in place strict rules around email attachments. These are hard to enforce and very unpopular with users. Instead we recommend a SharePoint plugin that lets people collaborate through a traditional email interface, yet keep documents and sensitive communications around those documents in SharePoint.

Another advantage to this approach lies in storage savings. Organizational storage limits have increasingly grown due to the decrease in cost per gigabyte. Although this has allowed organizations to store more data, the resultant effect is that much of the content that is being stored is often being stored in multiple locations, on multiple hard drives, and in multiple formats (PDFs, Word documents, etc.). As an organization, this introduces significant challenges that effect business users, security officers and compliance managers.

There are several ways to eliminate the Data Duplication and will enhanced the storage capabilities also will help towards the security aspect and resource managment of the document. One is with EasyBox.

EasyBox will change your user’s cultural affinity for simply storing another copy. EasyBox invites users to use a link to documents and properly sets the permission on that document instead of sending attachments. By changing this organizational paradigm, the portal becomes your master copy, allowing true collaboration to occur. Administrators and risk officers do not need to search for the location of enterprise content; it is all in one place.



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